
JR has a few configuration options, though the default settings will work well for most projects. To set configuration options create an initializer and add the options you wish to set. All options have defaults, so you only need to set the options that are different.


You wish to change the way multi word JSON keys are serialized. By default JR uses the JSON API recommendation for dasherizing (foo-bar) compound words.


Create a new file named jsonapi-resources.rb in your project’s config/initializers directory and add the following:

JSONAPI.configure do |config|


Override the defaults

Now override the json_key_format and route_format to camelize (fooBar) compound words:

JSONAPI.configure do |config|
#:underscored_key, :camelized_key, :dasherized_key, or custom
config.json_key_format = :camelized_key

#:underscored_route, :camelized_route, :dasherized_route, or custom
config.route_format = :camelized_route

See formatters for more details on formatters.


The default configuration options are shown below:

JSONAPI.configure do |config|
#:underscored_key, :camelized_key, :dasherized_key, or custom
config.json_key_format = :dasherized_key

#:underscored_route, :camelized_route, :dasherized_route, or custom
config.route_format = :dasherized_route

#:integer, :uuid, :string, or custom (provide a proc)
config.resource_key_type = :integer

# optional request features
config.default_allow_include_to_one = true
config.default_allow_include_to_many = true
config.allow_sort = true
config.allow_filter = true

config.raise_if_parameters_not_allowed = true

config.warn_on_route_setup_issues = true
config.warn_on_missing_routes = true
config.warn_on_performance_issues = true

# :none, :offset, :paged, or a custom paginator name
config.default_paginator = :none

# Output pagination links at top level
config.top_level_links_include_pagination = true

config.default_page_size = 10
config.maximum_page_size = 20

# Metadata
# Output record count in top level meta for find operation
config.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false
config.top_level_meta_record_count_key = :record_count

config.top_level_meta_include_page_count = false
config.top_level_meta_page_count_key = :page_count

config.use_text_errors = false

# Whether or not to include exception backtraces in JSONAPI error
# responses. Defaults to `false` in anything other than development or test.
config.include_backtraces_in_errors = (Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?)

# Whether or not to include exception application backtraces in JSONAPI error
# responses. Defaults to `false` in anything other than development or test.
config.include_application_backtraces_in_errors = (Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?)

# List of classes that should not be rescued by the operations processor.
# For example, if you use Pundit for authorization, you might
# raise a Pundit::NotAuthorizedError at some point during operations
# processing. If you want to use Rails' `rescue_from` macro to
# catch this error and render a 403 status code, you should add
# the `Pundit::NotAuthorizedError` to the `exception_class_whitelist`.
config.exception_class_whitelist = []

# Resource Linkage
# Controls the serialization of resource linkage for non compound documents
# NOTE: always_include_to_many_linkage_data is not currently implemented
config.always_include_to_one_linkage_data = false
config.always_include_to_many_linkage_data = false

# The default Operation Processor to use if one is not defined specifically
# for a Resource.
config.default_processor_klass = JSONAPI::Processor

# Allows transactions for creating and updating records
# Set this to false if your backend does not support transactions (e.g. Mongodb)
config.allow_transactions = true

# Formatter Caching
# Set to false to disable caching of string operations on keys and links.
# Note that unlike the resource cache, formatter caching is always done
# internally in-memory and per-thread; no ActiveSupport::Cache is used.
config.cache_formatters = true

# Relationship reflection invokes the related resource when updates
# are made to a has_many relationship. By default relationship_reflection
# is turned off because it imposes a small performance penalty.
config.use_relationship_reflection = false

# Resource cache
# An ActiveSupport::Cache::Store or similar, used by Resources with caching enabled.
# Set to `nil` (the default) to disable caching, or to `Rails.cache` to use the
# Rails cache store.
config.resource_cache = nil

# Default cache resources
# Cache resources by default. Individual resources can be excluded from caching by calling:
# `caching false`
config.default_caching = false

# Default resource cache field
# On Resources with caching enabled, this field will be used to check for out-of-date
# cache entries, unless overridden on a specific Resource. Defaults to "updated_at".
config.default_resource_cache_field = :updated_at

# Resource cache digest function
# Provide a callable that returns a unique value for string inputs with
# low chance of collision. The default is SHA256 base64.
config.resource_cache_digest_function =

# Resource cache usage reporting
# Optionally provide a callable which JSONAPI will call with information about cache
# performance. Should accept three arguments: resource name, hits count, misses count.
config.resource_cache_usage_report_function = nil

Note: If using custom classes (such as a CustomPaginator), be sure to require them at the top of the initializer before usage.